Jasmina Nedanovski | SO, WE WATCH ...


8. June 202227. August 2022

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In her art career to date, graphic artist and art teacher Jasmina Nedanovski has found her strongest means of expression in the graphic arts. Her creative streak first led her to the Secondary School of Graphic Technology in Ljubljana, then she studied at the Faculty of Education in Maribor, where she completed her studies in Printmaking with Prof. Samuel Grajfoner. She continued her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana and received her master's degree with distinction under the supervision of Prof. Branko Suhy and Prof. Jožef Muhovič. She teaches at the primary school in Metlika. She is a member of the Society of Visual Artists of Dolenjska, participates in group exhibitions and art colonies, and conducts workshops for children and adults.

The graphic series and project So, We Watch … were prompted by the turbulent events in the artist's home area as a result of the migrant crisis that hit Slovenia in the autumn of 2015, continued through the following year, and then slowly subsided but never really disappeared. The artist noticed the traces that the migrants left in the surrounding forests. Even when they moved on, the fragments remained, bearing witness to them, their journey and their lives. The artist documented them with photography. However, her impressions became an impetus for further reflection on the subject of migrants and how they are perceived by others.

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